Exclusively for Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
Big Radials aircraft are made exclusively for the most recent version of Microsoft Flight Simulator as it offers the richest flying experience and the most incredible world. It really is finally #AsGoodAsItGets
Some Flying Fun
We really want you to forget about the numbers and just get in, fly the plane and enjoy yourself. The numbers will be there waiting for you but first, just go and #FlyTheDamnPlane.
Our new Goose lets you fly just about anywhere with it's short field performance and amphibious nature. Another fine aircraft for your flying adventures!
Don't forget the challenge of our two warbirds that also offer unique flying experiences. The venerable Nieuport 17 and the classic P-40B Tomahawk.
The Big Radials Era
The JRF-6B Goose is our first aircraft that matches our name and has two wonderful P&W R985 radial engines.
Whilst neither the Tomahawk nor the Nieuport have radial engines, our studio name "Big Radials" is meant to immediately evoke the era and type of aircraft that we love the most. You will not find big glass cockpits in our birds but instead all of those beautiful round steam gauges.
Super complicated flight computers, guidance systems and autopilots weren't around back then* and you wont find them in our planes either.
*Yes we know that there are some examples of super complicated flight computers, guidance systems and autopilots from that era, however they were not common place and only existed on certain aircraft.

Some Authentic Kit
As a first for any aircraft in flight simulation, our P-40B Tomahawk will come with free STL files for a set of flight controls which are an exact replica of the controls in the aircraft. Using these files you can 3D print working replica flight controls compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator and other popular flight sims.
The developer of the files, AuthentiKit, used source files provided by us, Big Radials, to ensure they are a perfect match to our version of the Tomahawk. Inside the download you'll find a PDF and an example STL to preview the final build.

With a little help from our friends
The Flight Simulation community is incredible and we would like to thank you all for making such an amazing hobby a little more awesome. In particular though we would like to thank the following outstanding folks:
Thank you for creating a wonderful developer space to share knowlege and ideas on developing for this new simulator.
Please go and checkout their INCREDIBLE vintage aircraft that really raises the bar for quality in all aspects.
IRIS Simulations
One of the first aircraft I bought for FSX was the IRIS Battlefield Airlifter and I enjoyed many many hours flying this modern replacement of the Caribou.
I have since had the pleasure of meeting DLB from IRIS whose encouragement and support of my development journey has been very much appreciated.
DC Designs
Without encouragement from DC Designs, Big Radials would not be a reality. What can I say but thank you for your humour, confidence and encouragement.
Like anyone who has watched Top Gun we really love the DC Designs F-14 for MSFS, and can't wait for more incredible planes.
FlyingIron Simulations
Another awesome Australian flight sim developer who beat us to first Warbird for MSFS by landing the Spitfire before we launched. BRAVO Team!
Thanks for the chats.